Women of LC3 Mission Statement
“Creating a sisterhood of women,
growing in their love for Jesus and each other,
as we work together serving others.”
Women’s Bible Study
Join us Monday evenings at 5:30pm at LC3
for the Women’s Evening Bible Study Group.
For more information contact Miriam Brancato at:
[email protected]
Join us Tuesday mornings at 9:30am at LC3
for the Women’s Morning Bible Study Group.
For more information contact Leslie Caperton at:
[email protected]

Women’s Book Club
We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month
at 6:30pm at Pat Shepard’s house.
Please join us for a great time of reading
and fellowship with other women.
For more information contact Pat Shepard at:
[email protected]

Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you have a passion for knitting or crocheting, whether you’re an expert, hobbyist or novice, please join us. We meet once or twice a week to make prayer shawls, baby blankets and hats for missions. Join us to help those in need.
For more information contact Debbie Harvey at:

We provide meals for those in our church
with medical needs. It’s a great opportunity
to help your LC3 family.
For more information contact Lynn Woodel at:
814-528-2855 (text or leave a message)

the year with various fun events such as:
breakfast get togethers, outings and tours,
the annual Christmas party brunch,
and the annual Women’s retreat.
All women are invited to connect and
enjoy time together as we support one another.